A Hudson-Seyfang-Searle Family Archive


Searle Blazon of Arms

George Frederick Seyfang came to England from Germany in the 18th century and settled in the east end of London. His descendents married into well-to-do families, including the Mihills, Fields and Searles. Andrew Seyfang Hudson, the compiler of this site, is the 4th great-grandson of of George frederick Seyfang. The links below let you see up to 12 generations of the extended family with all their known details, as well as portraits and pictures of other family memorabilia.

It is difficult to trace the Seyfangs back into Germany because the name is common there and at present we have no link. Other lines in Andrew's pedigree are more tractable, the Searle line going back to the 8th great-grandfather - Edward Searle - born about 1610.